Welcome Change specializes in helping organizations and individuals achieve results in the areas of leadership development, career development, and organizational culture.


We serve a wide range of clients including Fortune 100 companies, mid-size companies, professional services firms, investment firms, and non-profit organizations.


Executive Coaching


There is an art to coaching. With the overall mission of helping our clients achieve their goals, we utilize every tool we possess – our coaching skills, business experience, knowledge base, and sometimes even our contacts. We listen, question, challenge, share information, and offer different perspectives to help our clients learn, grow, move into action, and achieve results.

Leadership Consulting in New York


The most effective learning interventions are ones which actively engage the participants and reflect the unique culture, environment, and experience of the organization. All our programs begin by asking the question “What do you, our client, need?” We customize our programs and materials to resonate with your organization and meet your objectives.

Meeting Facilitation


Effective facilitation can be the difference between a meeting which ends in decisions, consensus, and stronger relationships and a meeting which ends in frustration, confusion, and damaged relationships. After carefully preparing for the meeting with key stakeholders, we bring our expert facilitation skills to ensuring a meeting that meets your objectives.

Meeting Facilitation


We often become a trusted advisor to our clients, bringing all of our experience, perspectives, and insights to help them achieve significant and often complex goals. We listen deeply and ask the right questions. We then craft and execute a consulting engagement that is efficient and effective.

Lead Your Way

LEAD YOUR WAY: Practical Coaching Advice for Creating the Career You Want is available on Amazon.

Contact us for more information on speaking engagements, workshops, and coaching based on the book.

For information on bulk orders, contact