by Karen Watai | Apr 8, 2020
At the beginning of this coronavirus crisis, I was checking the news as soon as I woke up, checking the news all day long, and looking at it again before going to bed. Not surprisingly, I spent most of my day stressed and anxious. This past week, I decided to take...
by Karen Watai | Mar 30, 2020
Brilliant graphic by Nicole Matusow and Harlan Matusow. Taking care of yourself and flattening your stress curve is critical at this challenging time.
by Karen Watai | Mar 26, 2020
We’ve all heard it – we need to be washing our hands frequently for 20 seconds at a time. I have been counting to 20 or singing happy birthday twice, but today I decided to check to see if it actually took me 20 seconds to do these things. IT DID NOT! As it turns...
by Karen Watai | Mar 20, 2020
What’s the most creative virtual event you’ve attended or contemplated? I’ve had virtual drinks with colleagues, started a weekly virtual Sunday night dinner with family members, and am planning a virtual baby shower. I’ve heard of virtual coffee breaks, happy hours,...
by Karen Watai | Apr 3, 2019
When you think back on an experience, do your thoughts turn to what went well or do you more easily focus on what went wrong? When you get feedback, do you hear the comments on where you were particularly effective or does your attention go immediately to your...