Creating the Career You Want – Tip #26

Creating the Career You Want – Tip #26

You know the drill. Build your network. Develop mentors. Attract sponsors. Hearing about the importance of relationships for the first time often leads to a spurt of activity – target lists are made, breakfasts and lunches are scheduled, notes to follow up with...
Creating the Career You Want – Tip #25

Creating the Career You Want – Tip #25

Life gets busy. We can easily get mired in getting the work done – executing projects, attending meetings, and responding to deadlines, not to mention the daily challenge of clearing our inboxes and responding to urgent requests. If you’re singularly focused on...
Tip #24 – Take a Break!

Tip #24 – Take a Break!

In my distant memory, I seem to recall a time when you could count on work slowing down in the summer. Alas, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. And if we can’t count on work giving us a break, then we need to give ourselves a break. We need to give ourselves...
Creating the Career You Want – Tip #23

Creating the Career You Want – Tip #23

What are your cultural values, and how do they impact your behavior in the workplace? Your cultural values are made up of the norms and expectations you grew up with, and are rooted in your family and community. If you were raised to be humble, you may abhor bragging...
Creating the Career You Want – Tip #22

Creating the Career You Want – Tip #22

When you go to a conference or big event, do you talk only to your friends or do you reach out to people you don’t know? Do you use the scheduled breaks as time to escape, or do you see them as opportunities to make connections? Conferences and large events are prime...
Creating the Career You Want – Tip #21

Creating the Career You Want – Tip #21

Are you consistently living your personal brand? When others see you in action, do they get an accurate picture of who you are, your abilities, and your potential? The fact is, people – including your organization’s leadership – develop perceptions of you...
Creating the Career You Want – Tip #20

Creating the Career You Want – Tip #20

Do you think people are born with a fixed amount of talent and intelligence?  Research shows that people who adopt this belief – who have a fixed mindset – tend to shy away from difficult challenges, avoid working on skill development, and lack resilience....
Creating the Career You Want – Tip #19

Creating the Career You Want – Tip #19

Have you ever been surprised by what you heard in your annual performance review? If you have, chances are that you’re not getting real-time feedback on a consistent basis. Do you believe it’s your manager’s job to tell you how you’re doing? If you do, then you’re...
Creating the Career You Want – Tip #18

Creating the Career You Want – Tip #18

On the 4th of July, we celebrate the day that the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. We carve time out to enjoy picnics, family gatherings, and fireworks. We take a break from work and allow ourselves to enjoy the moment. And yet,...
Creating the Career You Want – Tip #17

Creating the Career You Want – Tip #17

Do you ever wonder whether the career you’re pursuing is worth the price you’re paying in your personal life? When you have to choose between spending hours at work, spending time with your friends and family, or engaging in activities you care about, like...